doing what we do best

a bit about Angela Belyea

With a lifetime of knitting experience, Angela has spent over a decade learning and perfecting spinning, weaving, and dyeing various fibers - wool, organic cotton, angora, and any number of others.

Angela has attended workshops and courses (and even instructed a few) around the Maritimes – including attending the College of Craft and Design in Fredericton, NB. She is a Juried Member of the New Brunswick Craft Council, a staple along the King’s County Studio Tour and a member of the Sussex Artist’s Co-Op.

When she isn’t keeping up her full-time career in health services, you can find Angela volunteering at The General Store (Sussex, NB), running a booth at the Sussex Farmer’s Market, or working on numerous fiber and gardening projects at The Herb Farm.

You can find Angela’s work on display at various locations across Southern New Brunswick:

The Covered Bridge, Coles Island, NB

The General Store, Sussex, NB

Sussex Artist’s Co-Op, Sussex, NB

Sussex Farmer’s Market, Sussex, NB

New Brunswick Craft Council, Fredericton, NB